
I am sorry you are done

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Solve the 6 crossword clues

Then rank the answers by the theme by dragging them to the right spot

The best score is 0 - every answer in the correct place

You also gain points based on how far the answer is from the right place

Click to Start

I can count to 5 Yes

Only change this setting if you can't count to five
and you are scared, like Kris, and want an enter button

I am a grownup Yes

Only change this setting if you can't cope with the
randomness of the universe, and you want to win,
like grovefarcher, even if you have all the right
numbers but two are the wrong way around

Set by ChatGPT
Entry AEntry A
Entry BEntry B
Entry CEntry C
Entry DEntry D
Entry EEntry E
Entry FEntry F